Terry Fox




Everything starts off small. A tiny seed scattered across a field, the quiet whistle of the wind, a small town within a large city. All things have their starting point as a place to settle and extend into the surrounding environment that provides them with a place to extend and accumulate and grow.

This fashioning of development occurs through a means that is directly dependant on the situational setting. What takes place around the starting point and what it is subject to during its metamorphosis governs the fabrication towards the end result.

This is true in the case of Kanata; a small seed just starting to spread its roots into the encompassing city of Ottawa.  It simply existed as an undeveloped town amid a well developed location but ceases to subsist independently any longer. Since the implementation of Terry Fox station this area has started to flourish and ascend with great potential toward becoming a place of grander size and presence. In this case it is the people that enhance possibilities and bestow a potential for change. They are commuters; travelers; people that leave their well known locations where they had been planted and journey into their unknown surroundings. Oblivious to what they are subjected to, they bring back influences that eventually transpire into the character and the making of this growing town.

The notion of returning, and the happenings that take place after the return is something of primary importance where the penetration and the repercussions of day to day influences can create a positive or negative change within the evolution of the town. If people were to come together, collaborate and contribute collectively to the town and its growth patterns a more communal transformation will be transpired. The installation was aimed at the idea of bringing people together so that they can engage in the same action, related explorations and similar understandings of space so that some means of community is initiated and will possibly inspire further simultaneity. Small individual qualities transcendent from the surroundings now converge to formulate something more imperative towards the emulation of the potential town.

Each commuter is subjected to differing areas and atmospheres dependant on day to day life and all that it encompasses. The travelling man, the hobo, represents the entire entity of the travelling people that leave and then return to Kanata each day. He is exposed to all environments of the transit way system and consequentially encompasses all possible qualities that could potentially characterize the evolving town of Kanata.

What he accumulates are objects and experiences that all resonate with a sound that he picks up and records with synesthetic like lines and collects throughout the day. These miniscule noises are ones that may be uniquely independent but also encompass the capabilities to form a composition through a means of coming together and creating harmonic composition. Through interpretation of each influence, the travelling man fully exemplifies the returning and reconnection of separate forms to create a fluid and smooth transposition of the city of Ottawa’s influential characteristics amid the growing clauses of Kanata and its residences.

The directed and developed town and the continuously composed music form a communal growth that is based on the combined influences of the surroundings of people and place. The penetrating roots of Kanata travel through the ground subjective to different elements working to create a path and combining to dictate the final resonance of sound emulating from the travelling man’s home at the end of each day.



Transit way Essay for Terry Fox


 A harmonious collection of different people, places and things united in one location, one individual, and one mind; the Travelling Man. Drawn from the surrounding influences existing and penetrating from the transit way system, Terry Fox station has become the stop were the music of the city resonates and compiles into a melodic symphony.  It is here where the different tunes are compiled from memories, objects, notes or interactions into a composition expressing the character of the city. The traveler has the ability to hear the harmonics of every existing element, realizing its uniqueness and role in creating a soundtrack to each day, each week and to his life.  He is the person to whom everyone else is reflected in and represents the influences Kanata is subject to through its changing and growth stage.  The musical piece is composed by “re”flecting, “re”interpreting and “re”living his daily activities in a secluded setting but not a silent one.  A residence subject to the hallow of the wind, the hum of the people and the woosh of the bus. This private place also becomes public as it is the community sound that oscillates through his space and is reverberated to the ear of the populace. He comes here when night falls and leaves when day breaks.  He sleeps to a lullaby and wakes to a resonance and is always enthralled in the character of the music as he continues to compile his life’s symphony.

5 responses to “Terry Fox

  1. I like the addition of the site photos on the left. The colour change at the bottom for the grass seems to work well too.

    The choice to use the full city map of Ottawa (instead of just Kanata) is interesting. Is your site about:
    – bringing together everyone from across Ottawa to show them their roots?
    – bringing together everyone from Kanata to show them their shared roots?
    – show people from Kanata their shared roots with the rest of Ottawa?

    I’m curious to see how you interpret the local neighbourhood into the collage as much as the concept. It’s a bit of double-duty. Show me information about the local site as well as your conceptual interpretation.

  2. Kristen Van Haeren

    does this mean that you want me to add more photos of the local surroundings to the collage?
    will this not make it look more busy??
    also my site is about how the town of kanata is influenced by its surroundings. kanata is the first steps to the growth of this town. it is the initial seed that has been planted with so much potential to grow. and it will grow, but all dependent on how the people who leave kanata each day are influenced by their surroundings they are subject to down town (in the depths of ottawa). it is what they bring back with them (physically, mentally, etc) that will dictate how kanata grows as a whole.

  3. I would leave it as is for now. I wanted to plant the question (pun undecidedly intended or not) for you to think about as you continue to develop the project.

    In the end you may want to reconsider some of your image choices in the collage to more specifically address Kanata. But don’t worry about it until later.

  4. A few other re’s to think about…

    (think musically)

    “He sleeps to a lullaby and wakes to…” I think you need a stronger word for what he wakes to if he sleeps to a lullaby. Maybe cacophony?

    chaos ->harmony
    cacophony ->lullaby

    I like the idea that he processes and re-arranges the mass of sounds he collects and turns them into music.

    Synonyms for harmony: concord, unity, peace, amity, friendship. 2. consonance, conformity, correspondence, consistency, symmetry

    Antonyms: disproportion, imbalance , discord

    I think you still need to consider the role Kanata vs. Ottawa will play. You almost use them inter-changeably.

  5. If we’re on the re’s:


    and Lullaby of Birdland

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