
Transitway Stations [programs]


A man (presumed to be homeless) waits to stop the commuters as they get off the bus at one of the Ottawa Transitway stations.  He hopes to engage them in a brief conversation.  He asks them about their day.  He tells them about his.  He asks for stories.  He tells them the stories he’s heard.  As his parting words, he asks them for their transfer.

Where does this man live?  Where does he eat?  Where does he sleep?  What is his (pre)occupation?  Who else has he met?

Is the Transitway his home?  Could it be?


  1. Transitway station assignment, site investigation, and collage
  2. “Twin site” located in the architecture building
  3. Installation/intervention development and construction at 1:1 in twin-site
  4. Master plan session to develop narrative and program for the system as a whole and each of the stations individually
    • The Transitway System acts as the home for
    • Each station specifically addresses one of the identified programs
  5. Transfer pocket archive (holder/carrier) mini-assignment
  6. Pavilion design

OC Transpo:
Transitway Map
Transitway Stats
Transitway Timeline

Hadlaw, Janin. “The London Underground Map: Imagining Modern Time and Space.”  Design Issues 19.1 (Winter 2003), 25-35.

Wikipedia. “Ottawa Rapid Transit”. <>

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