Post crit and copywork

Well done everyone. I know some of you felt that the crits pointed out a lot of things you didn’t have time to do. Don’t worry about that. Crits aren’t meant to tell you what you should have done. They are a response to the work you present and a discussion of the ideas that are generated.

Trust me.  You will always wish you had had an extra two weeks.

I am happy to arrange one on one meetings with anyone who wants to discuss their crit or any other part of the term. I can come in Friday late afternoon and Tuesday morning. Send me a message so I can schedule the time.

Copywork is due Tuesday December 22 at noon. You need:

– finalize your webpages (house and transitway station): they should include a description of the project (200 to 300 words); images of all required photos, drawings and models; images of any other process work you wish to include

– CD with 20 high resolution photos or 20 slides of your work for the semester. You must submit 20 and only 20.  Pick the images you think best describe your work across the whole semester.

UPDATE the CD can be handed in the first week of January if you are leaving town early but I recommend getting it done sooner rather than later. The website must be finished before I submit your grades.

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